Henbant Permaculture Solve Production Problems
There is a common misconception that food production is inherently bad. However, Henbant Permaculture is a small farm in North West Wales using holistic management and agro-ecological methods to grow vegetables, and farm meat, eggs and milk. Battling the negative preconceptions of food farming, Henbant Permaculture is proving that, on a small and regenerative scale, food and fuel production can actively help with current ecological problems.

Contact Details
Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, COP26, Permaculture, Agro-ecology, Henbant Permaculture, Food Production, Fuel Production, Farming


Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, COP26, Permaculture, Agro-ecology, Henbant Permaculture, Food Production, Fuel Production, Farming
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